The brother’s Drath, dan and tom grew up playing a variety of sports year-round. Thus, transitioning professionally into the wellness space, was a natural fit for them. They’re currently practicing in the Phoenix / Scottsdale area and have been working with people professionally for almost 30 years now. That said, they’re also completely transparent about being entirely self-educated. This intentional choice to move forward in a non-traditional path in retrospect, turned out to be the right one for them.
BiioSho asserts that an objective evaluation of the wellness communities reveals a need to evolve our thinking in two primary areas. Namely, how we approach the health of the human spinal architecture and the optimization of the proximal structures that support it. Notably, these two crucial aspects of human health and well-being are also the two most fundamental elements of human biomechanics. The need to improve these are evidenced by the world-wide epidemic of spine related dysfunctions. The time has arrived to provide humanity with safer and more effective solutions.
This is precisely why dan and tom have devoted the last 20 years developing and patenting next level technologies. These technologies are destined to improve the entire landscape of human optimization. The SpineAlignPlus is an apparatus that empowers individuals. The SA+ is designed to empower people. For the first time in history, they can safely and effectively take the very best care of their spinal architecture. Once fully assimilated into the public zeitgeist, the SA+ will have a systemic cultural impact. Additionally, their innovative approach to optimizing proximal stability is equally as profound. Virtually everyone who avails themselves of it, realizes a deep structural physiological upgrade. Interestingly, when this occurs – it improves everything else you do in life. It’s worth mentioning that tom and dan have been successfully employing these strategies with people of every age range and fitness level for more than 15 years.
Throughout a lifetime of athletic performance and professional experience, the brothers have developed a relatively simple and elegant approach to sustainable human optimization. The operative inference here is unquestionably sustainability. Meaning how does one become a robust centurion? Successfully accomplishing this mandates, a joint preservation priority while strength training. Problematically, traditional methods of “exercise” are notorious for compromising joint function. This occurs primarily because of improper loading and unnecessary excessive compression. This is one of many aspects of strength training, that horizontal loading ameliorates. That said, Biosho would submit that promoting a healthy spinal architecture / horizontal strengthening / and unloaded expansive movement are the three keys to being the best physical version of yourself. Most importantly, these three sustainably promote the optimization for as long as humanly possible.