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There really is no way to overstate the importance of any organic system to maintain its ability to move freely. Because there is a direct linear relationship between our body’s capacity to move without restriction and its overall health. Maintaining optimal levels of movement capacity will ensure healthy joints, tissues, as well as our conscious experience. Yes, your brain function is directly impacted by your body’s ability to move.

They can and should be considered one and the same, much like space-time. Ideally, our bodies would have complete unobstructed movement capacity. This affords your brain the potential for the maximum degree of neurological connectivity when preforming any given task. Simply stated, this type of pure cognitive potentiation has a relationship with the entirety of your conscious experience. Thus, how you move influences how you think. Therefore, a lifelong pursuit of movement-oriented growth and expansion should be the underlying fundamental substrate of our entire life’s journey on this planet. That philosophic underpinning is certain to help maximize your health span and longevity. 


Before getting into movement principles, we should provide some additional perspective. We should also mention that this is simply our provisional point of view and how we have evolved to think of it. Namely, that BioSho draws a clear distinction between engaging in expansive functional movement, and progressively resistance training the center body / upper extremities. Meaning, that we only introduce external load to the system when we’re safely secured horizontally. But not when we’re engaging in expansive orientated functional movements. Certainly, there are elite athletic performance exceptions to this. But BioSho submits that for 99% of the world’s population this is the best approach to sustain physically robust longevity.

Essentially, because for most people it’s simply not necessary to introduce excessive vertically orientated compressive loading to our body’s. Doing so will compromise joint preservation. If you’re feeling otherwise, please imagine being proficient at ballet or martial arts and being strong horizontally. With this strategy, you’re maximizing movement capacity and center body function – while minimizing wear and tear on your joints. We would submit that this is hitting the sweet spot on the apex curve, which provides the ideal levels of stress to optimize robust health span. Without compromising one’s ability to successfully engage in any level of activity.


Once you understand a few basic principles, facilitating your movement practice can be straightforward. Like most everything, it should be consistent within a progressive continuum. Much of this information has been made available by other extremely competent sources. Thus, BioSho will reference them as they share a few additional concepts.

To begin with, one should evaluate their current level of capacity. For example, one may benefit from starting with a DNS approach to developmental kinesiology. This is an excellent way to establish a healthy foundation for next level functional movement. From there we like to focus our attention on the child’s pose. This is an excellent way to begin promoting hip and knee function.

Then one can begin exploring the vital principles of spiral / diagonal / and circular motion. Of which virtually all human movement is a derivative. Now we’re entering the domain of primal movement. Where one can easily access the full spectrum of information on YouTube. BioSho would simply add that velocity is a function of capacity and should only be increased after capacity is firmly established. So, when exploring movement expansion into new areas, one should do so slowly at first. Always with a spiral, diagonal, and or circular strategy.

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