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The Ultimate Core Training - That Enhances Virtually Everything Else You Do!

It’s simply not possible to train proximal stability any safer and more effectively than this…

Please note: this is a very advanced exercise that is only done after acquiring the appropriate strength and level of experience to to so…

This is science-based next level technology, that has been clinically proven over more than 15 years of developmental process…

Here's a Simplified Glimpse at the Structures involved

Basic Core Anatomy

This is over-simplified – however, it’s an accurate portrayal and useful for our discussion – That is to say, that the human center body is made up of two major constituents – They can be referred to as the ‘Inner” and “Outer” Units – Simply stated, the outer unit structures are more superficial / much easier to activate / and designed to create motion and generate force – Whereas the inner unit structures sole purpose is to remain stationary / they have direct attachments to the spine / and provide the necessary foundational strength for all successful human movement

Why Optimizing Proximal Stability is the Holy Grail of Human Biomechanics

  • Because of its Fundamental Role in Successful Human Function

    Along with the human spine – Deep Structural Activation is the most fundamental aspect of human biomechanics – The body’s deep structures provide foundational support for the spine, and all subsequent human movement as well as all distal force production.

  • Because Optimizing Deep Structural Activity is also the most difficult task of Human Biomechanics

    The body’s deep “tonic” structures are incredibly esoteric when attempting to illicit their full potential – The bodies larger and more superficial structures are easily identified and therefore much more accessible – In sharp contrast, the proximal structures are essentially out of site, and thus largely out of mind – In order to overcome these logistics, optimizing these illusive structures must be inherently mandated within very specifically designed environmental conditions.

  • Because Optimizing Proximal Stability Literally Improves Everything Humans Do – Yes, Everything!

    BioSho's patented technology is so powerful, its destined to improve the entire landscape of people improving their daily activities / athlete’s looking for an edge to increase performance / and resolving the world-wide epidemic of spine related dysfunctions

What makes BioSho’s patented technologies at least twice as effective as any other approach?

  • The Lumbo-Pelvic Hip Complex is Left Entirely Unsupported

    It’ absolutely crucial that the lumbo-pelvic hip complex is left unsupported, to ensure that you realize optimal activation in the deeper structures – Otherwise, there ability activate will be sub-optimal as the body will automatically take advantage of the artificial support instead

  • The Upper Extremities Also Remain Unsupported in an Open Kinetic Chain Environment

    This is also a vital component in optimizing proximal stability – Any other strategy that places them in a closed kinetic chain will also de-potentiate the deeper structures

  • The Previous Two Environmental Conditions help to Create a Center Body Third Class Lever System

    It’s Essential when optimally activating proximal stability, that you incorporate a hips fulcrum / center body third class lever system for two reasons – The first of which, is that you’ll realize more functional transfer, as this mirrors most of what we do in real life – Secondly, and absolutely critical is that it disallows we we’ve termed “phasic dominance” - This is a condition wherein the larger / more superficial core muscles dominate the smaller “tonic” structures whenever possible – In fact, this physiological phenomenon occurs in virtually everything else humans do, and overcoming it is the key to optimizing deep structural activity

Please know that to fully appreciate this technology, it’s imperative that you spend some time with it – Once you do, you really begin to understand how much more effective it is in optimizing core function – You’ll also realize that it has implications in the areas of joint preservation and efficiency -Again, this technology is simply here to help make everything else you do, that much better…

Here's what just a few people are saying about their experience at BioSho



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4105 N. 25th Street Phoenix, AZ 85016